The Health Facility Institute has established three levels of affiliation for individual membership: (Fellow, Member and Nominee) and three levels of Corporate Sponsorship (Diamond, Gold and Silver).
Individual Membership
- Fellow is the highest level of individual affiliation and reflects the professional skill and competence gained through education, training, experience and demonstrated accomplishments in at least nine of the ten areas of expertise: Strategic Planning; Space Planning and Programming, Design, Equipment Planning, Equipment Acquisition, Construction Management, A-E Selection Process, Claims Adjudication Principles, Computer Principles and Applications and Transition Planning. As a Fellow you are entitled to the rights and privileges of Fellows, may hold office in the Health Facility Institute and are permitted to use the Institute’s Fellow Credentials “FHFI” following your name.
- Member is the next highest level of individual affiliation and reflects the same professional development as that for Fellow in less than nine, but at least five of the ten areas noted. As a Member you are entitled to the rights and privileges of Members in the Health Facility Institute and are permitted to use the Institute’s Member’s Credentials “MHFI” following your name. Members may advance to Fellow upon satisfactory demonstration of the skills and experience required for Fellow.
- Nominee affiliation is open to anyone who expresses the desire to participate in the professional development sponsored by the Health Facility Institute and subscribe to the goals and objectives of the Institute. Nominees may advance upon satisfactory demonstration of the skills and experience required for the level of affiliation requested.
All affiliates receive information from the HFI concerning programs being presented, are encouraged to participate in programs as speakers, and also share their professional knowledge with others. Fellows and Members are asked to serve on committees.
If you are interested in applying for individual membership, please download the Word® file, complete the form and email it to us. Processing your application normally takes approximately one month. Once the Credentials Committee approves your application, you will be notified. Upon receiving notification of approval, you should attend the next HFI Symposium to receive your certificate and pin and activate your membership. At that time you may use the acronym of FHFI, MHFI or NHFI, depending on the level approved in your signature block.
Corporate Membership
For information on Corporate Affiliation, download this Word® document and please email us with questions . For payments or invoice requests, please email us .